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More Hearty Vegetarian Soup

Everyone I know is sick: my husband, my dogs, the kids at school. They have a merciless cold that won’t let go, and they keep breathing near me. We’ve reached the point in winter when the snow has gone from fluffy and cute to rock-hard and brown. It’s time for soup! I’ve been craving something...CONTINUE READING

MidCoast Fishermen’s Association

In a recent article in the Portland Press Herald, the state of Maine’s fishing industry is continuing to battle the current for positive change. We spotted this information via the Portland Food Map blog. Currently alloted barely enough time to make a living, the rules fishermen must follow will have to change in order to...CONTINUE READING

The power of the Maine brand

When I tell people I am from Maine, the experiences they share almost always involve lobster, L.L. Bean, summer camp or visiting a relative in a place that they can never remember the name of, leading me to say things like “Berunswickland? Can’t say I have heard of that one. Is it near Bangor?” The...CONTINUE READING